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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta gastronomy. Mostrar todas las entradas

4 dic 2012

San Sebastián del Oeste

Hidden behind Puerto Vallarta, inside the Sierra Madre Mountains nestles an old mining town that appears to have been stuck in time since a long time ago. San Sebastian del Oeste is an invitation to travel back in time and explore the ageless atractions that offers. This location was founded in 1605 and was one of the first gold and silver centres in Mexico. The growth and prosperity of this town lasted till 1921 year in which the last mine was leave behind doe to the revolution that Mexico suffered in 1910. Once the last mine was closed, this city became a sleepy beauty and now with the increment of tourism in the area is starting to come to live again.

Those looking for a cultural holiday whithout getting far from the coast and explore what was in the past one of the most important city in the entire region, this is the perfect location. Once the traveller arrives the place, it would not have any doubt of why this place has been declared World Heritage by the UNESCO. It is trully delightfull to walk across the streets and find in every corner a piece of Mexican history. Its well- preserved colonial style is very obvious since all the buildings and houses are made of adobe and wood and many of them where built 250 years ago.  All the arquitechture of the place has the mexican air of reed roofs and white houses and all the streets are of a cobblestone pattern that gives the special appealing of a long timed place.

One of the main attractions of this location is La Quinta. This is located at the entries of San Sebastian in La Pareja and it is an iconic old coffee plantation. This place dates from the 19th century and it was firstly a place for rest for the first inhabitants. Today it is inhabitated by the heirs of the first owners. In this wonderful plantation, coffe is cultivated and processed which it is considered of an unique quality since the location and organic products in this cultivation area are one of the kind in the entire world.

Another unmissable place to see in this hipnotizing town is the Saint Sebastian Church which is dedicated to the city’s patron San Sebastian. This astonishing chuch was built at the end of the XVII by augustinian frays but in 1868 due to an earthquake the church suffered severe damages. However, in the year 1871 starts the recunstruction of the building and it is done in the year 1899.

Anohter attraction is the Hacienda Jalisco, this wonderful colonial hacienda dates back to 170 years old. Now in the 21th century, this place woks as both, a hotel and a museum. The entrace to this amazing place is across a stream and an avenue cobbled paved with a slight slope. Although there is no power electricity in this bouilding, the attraction still remains since it helps to create vividly the feeling of traveling in time. What is more, each room counts with warm fireplaces and oil lamps and candles that provide the perfect romantic atmosphere for the guests. In the bottom floor, there is a display of old artifacts that date from the times when the hacienda worked as a headquarter of mining operations.

From here, there is only a stone’s throw to El Pabellon. This fortress is located in the middle of the town main square and it was the place in where shipments of silver and gold were stored till they were transported to other areas. There is no historical record of when this place was built however, it is believed to have been constructed in XIX. Today, it works as a hotel giving accomodation to those looking for a piece of mexican history.

The gastronomy of the place is one of the most traditional in the entire coast. Here, restaurants and bars bring to the visitor the courses that so characterize Mexico and that is why enchiladas, tamales and fruit rolls are served in every one of them. Also, the most traditionals drinks are not missing in this location. The best coffee, atole (a hot drink made of corn) and ponche are the top drinks that accompany the best desserts and foods that anyone could imagine.

Overall, for those looking for a quiet place hidden from all the busttle of the city can come to San Sebastian del Oeste and do not ever regret of this experiency. The feeling of travel in time is constant and adds excitement to the journey across the streets of the town. Those comming to this place would leave with the feeling of having with them one important part of history in their hearts.

Gloria Gutiérrez Eigel